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Dr. med. Andreas Petrides

Deutschsprachiger Arzt in Paphos - Zypern



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GESY Doctor

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Based on 24 reviews
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Alexander HeuwinkelAlexander Heuwinkel
15:11 09 May 24
I have never moved from the waiting room to the examination so quickly in my life. Very friendly, competent, takes his time. I rarely visit a doctor,... but if I did, I would feel in good hands more
P. EsingenP. Esingen
10:00 02 Nov 23
- Doctor speaks German- No appointment required- No waiting time- Fast and thorough examination- €40 for a private medical examination 👍... that doesn't exist in Germany.As of: November 2023read more
11:43 30 Sep 23
Because of severe pain, I had to go to the doctor for the first time while on vacation. Things couldn't have gone better or more pleasantly. Hardly... any waiting time and a very pleasant conversation as well as a pleasant examination. He did a great job of running the lab that was done in the hospital. I am very satisfied and can only recommend more
Peter LPeter L
11:14 06 Sep 23
Great doctor with perfect knowledge of German and no waiting time. Were previously generally concerned about the medical costs, which were ultimately... very fair/manageable (40 EUR for examination and prescription) and will be reimbursed by the Austrian insurance anyway.Thank you for the investigation!read more
Daniel HerrmannDaniel Herrmann
09:43 20 Oct 22
Best doctor in Paphos!
Dr. Andreas Petrides
Dr. Andreas Petrides


Dr. Andreas Petrides
ist ein Arzt, Schriftsteller und öffentliche Person von Paphos, Zypern.

Er studierte Medizin in Deutschland durch ein Stipendium der Regierung Zyperns. Seit 1980 praktiziert er Allgemeinmedizin und Pädiatrie in Paphos.

Er ist Gründungsmitglied des Schriftstellerverbandes von Paphos, den er viele Jahre lang als Vize-Präsident vertrat. Sein Ausflug in die Literatur begann mit Poesie.

Er hat diversve literarische Sammlungen veröffentlicht.

Im Jahr 2005 wurde er als zweiter Preis für eine Kurzgeschichte des Nationalen Schriftstellerverbandes ausgezeichnet.

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